Ceramics Studio Waiver
By registering as a student in the CAE Ceramics studio, I understand that participation involves using materials and equipment with potential risk for injury, including, but not limited to:
•Ceramics can be sharp and kilns that are hot and have potential to burn
• Wheels, pug mills and other machines with moving parts that can injure
• Heavy items that must be moved using proper lifting techniques
• Glazing chemicals that are hazardous and must be handled properly
• Clay dust that, when inhaled, can cause lung damage
Safety Highlights: (Full Safety Information and Policies available in the studio)
1. I will always follow instructions by leadership.
2. I will not do any tasks for which I am not trained. I will not load/unload kilns unless approved by Manager.
3. I will keep my hair tied back and will not wear clothing or jewelry that hangs off the body.
4. I will not wear open-toed, open-heeled, or high-heeled footwear (i.e., flip-flops, sandals, clogs, high-heels) in the Ceramics studio.
5. I will not use any equipment without an Instructor, Studio-Monitor, or Manager present.
6. It is my responsibility to pick-up finished work within 2-weeks after the close of a session unless otherwise arranged.
7. It is my responsibility to clean up after myself and leave the studio cleaner than I found it.
In connection with my involvement in ceramics activities at Center for the Arts Evergreen (CAE), I hereby release CAE, its agents, representatives, successors, or assignees, including CAE staff, board, employees and volunteers, from all liabilities, actions, claims, damages, demands, costs, and expenses which I now or in the future have against them, arising out of or in any way connected with my participation at the Ceramics Studio, including en route to or from the program or its related events. I understand that this waiver includes, but is not limited to, all injuries to me and or loss of any personal property.
Photo Release: I hereby grant CAE permission to use my likeness in a photograph, video, or other digital media (“photo”) in any and all of its publications, including web-based publications, without payment or other consideration. I authorize the CAE to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish, or distribute these photos for any lawful purpose. In addition, I waive any right to inspect or approve the finished product wherein my likeness appears. Additionally, I waive any right to royalties. I UNDERSTAND THAT IF I DO NOT WANT MY/MY CHILD’S PHOTO TAKEN, I WILL NOTIFY THE INSTRUCTOR/FACILITATOR AND NOTE MY WISHES ON THE SIGN-IN SHEET.