
Open Ceramics Studio Membership

Welcome to our drop-in open ceramics studio! The Open Ceramics Studio membership is required to attend open studio at the CAE Ceramics Studio. This open studio time is designed for those who have some experience with hand-building and wheel-throwing. Please attend at least one beginner ceramics class to familiarize yourself with the studio and equipment.  Memberships can be purchased for a duration of 1 year ($50) or 6 months ($30).  This memberships allow access to the CAE studio during available open studio hours (see open studio session schedule). Register for open studio sessions separately.  Open studio membership fees are used to cover studio upkeep including facility fees, equipment fees, tools, supplies, and open studio guide compensation.

By purchasing this open studio membership, you are not registering for any open studio sessions.  Open studio sessions and clay must be purchased separately. 

Note:  Wheels are limited and are available on a 1st come, 1st served basis. So sign up early!